Bespoke Analysts Reports

Request a bespoke report and get in-depth research about an industry or company. These reports are unique to your needs and crafted by our team of analysts, covering the detailed information you need on specific targets, trends, or topics.

Energy and Biotechnology report cover images Agriculture and Transport report cover images Table of contents Business model

Custom reporting — for your needs

Our team of trained researchers can execute quickly and provide quality research for your teams allowing you to focus your own team’s attention on making decisions

  • green-checkmarkExpert analysts with broad industry coverage
  • green-checkmarkQuick turnaround time — get your results in 7 days
  • green-checkmarkTransparent pricing — no nasty surprises or scope creep
Request report
How the process works
Research needs
Send us a few lines about your research needs
Our business development team will schedule a call within 24 hours
Define scope with the Valuer team
Define scope with the Valuer team
Agree on work needed and price
Valuer’s analysts gather data and create report
Valuer’s analysts gather data and create report
Based on desk, field, and database research
Receive your report
You receive your report
Optional follow-up call with analysts