Innovative Companies and SDG 14: Life Under Water

10 minute read

*Updated December 2022

To help companies become more sustainable, each month Valuer publishes an in-depth report dedicated to one of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Titled “The SDG Forecast,” each report stresses the importance of technological innovation for reaching corporate sustainability. 

Supported with data from Valuer’s AI platform, this month’s issue explores SDG 14: Life below water, whose objective is to protect and preserve ocean ecosystems. Targets within this goal relate to the reduction of marine pollution from waste and nutrients, the prevention of overfishing through sustainable fishing and aquaculture management, and the protection of coastal and marine ecosystems from acidification and other causes of biodiversity loss.

Aside from analysis of the Wastewater treatment, Sustainable fish farming, and the Sustainable fish feed markets, the report includes three innovative startups whose technologies are relevant to the UN goal. Moreover, it explains how Valuer’s online platform uses AI to help large organizations find SDG-related startups and technologies that match their unique sustainability goals.

Organizations that do a great job addressing SDG 14

The full version of the SDG Forecast report includes six case studies: three SDG 14 startups and their technologies explained in detail and three corporations that do a great job of engaging with the UN goal. To provide more inspiration, this blog post lists additional NGOs, governments, corporations, and startups that work toward achieving the goal.


Sustainable management and protection of marine life



Hørsholm, Denmark

Bawat A/SBAWAT Logo

With its knowledge and insight in marine life, Bawat's goal is to make a significant contribution to support the ocean’s environment. Its product protects the eco balance of the global oceans by providing sustainable solutions for ships' ballast water management (BWMS). The management systems are simple, flexible, cost-effective and a great sustainable solution.


Alameda, USA

Upstream TechUpstream Tech logo

Upstream Tech was founded because the founders saw the unserved potential for innovation in the conservation and water sector. The smart systems they developed enables the conserving of freshwater by powering informed water market transactions. By providing more data, decision making is more efficient leading to lower cost and greater impact.


Santiago, Chile


Shellcatch logo Shellcatch’s mission is to improve the lives of millions of fishermen, connecting them to a sustainable and productive chain of certified ocean products. The three products the startup developed monitor, manage and market ocean resources. Using the products allows to obtain data, create reports and analyze videos.


Dartmouth, Canada

AshoredAshored Innovations

Ashored developed two products to innovate the commercial fishing industry, ‘Rope on-command’ fishing and gear and location tracking. The first product helps reduce the risk of species getting tangled in fishing nets. The second product, gear and location tracking, allows fishermen to locate their gear, which reduces cost and stops ghost fishing.


Quebec, Canada

XpertSeaxpertSea Logo

XpertSea developed an AI driven management system that focuses on making aquaculture more efficient and sustainable by providing real time data. The startup's goal is to defeat the industries biggest challenges, e.g. the best time to harvest and how to stop the spreading of a disease.


Caesarea, Israel

SeakuraSeakura logo

Seakura, founded 2006 in Israel, saw the potential in sea-sourced food which are very nutrient dense. To create a sustainable system, Seakura came up with a way to farm land-based seaweed, providing healthy food without harming the ocean. This technology enables the company to farm in high density throughout the year.


San Francisco, USA

Sofar Ocean TechnologySofar Ocean Technologies Logo

Sofar is a startup from the US offering ocean technology to enable insight into the ocean's ecosystems. Sofar’s system can forecast marine weather with up to 50 percent more certainty. Developing the technology will give further insight into the ocean and allow to create a robust ocean data network.


Tel Aviv, Israel

ECOncreteECOncrete Logo

ECOncrete developed a product to offer a solution to urban, coastal and marine infrastructure to reduce our footprint on the ocean environment. Its products are bio-enhanced concrete additives which revolutionize the coastline by replacing the normally grey waterfront and coastline with blue-green infrastructure, which helps the ecosystem to grow and flourish.


Misgav, Israel


BioFishency LogoBioFishency offers sustainable solutions to the aquaculture industry, increasing productivity through innovative technology. Benefits of BioFishency’s biofilter, growing apparatus and professional services, are the cost efficiency and decrease in resources being used.


Singapore, Singapore

UmitronUmitron Logo

Umitron’s vision is to revolutionize agriculture to improve food security and safety by finding solutions for fish farming in a human and nature friendly way. By implementing IoT, it’s AI driven platform and remote satellite sensing, Umitron provides a sustainable answer to the well known difficulties of managing environmental risk, rising business revenues and making fishing more efficient.


Toronto, Canada


Sylleta logo

Syletta is promoting a healthy way of growing fish to meet the increasing demand of seafood in the upcoming years. Its solution is a macroblock that aims for a cost efficient way that is eco-friendly and sustainable. This product contains an antifouling technology, reducing the amount of biofouling in fishing nets.


Rotterdam, The Netherlands


The Ocean Cleanup LogoAs their name suggests, The Ocean Cleanup works on cleaning the ocean to help reduce the amount of plastic pollution. Its advanced technologies also apply to rivers, aiming to tackle 1000 rivers worldwide. Right now it’s developing a passive cleaning method that extracts 50 percent of the ocean's plastic pollution every five years. The Ocean Cleanup’s goal is to be able to reduce the rubbish in the ocean by 90 percent.


Berlin, Germany

Monitor Fish (10)Founded by innovative driven experts, MonitorFish cares for the wellbeing of fish. Developing an AI driven health analysis for fish farms provides users with action-plans that educate on maintaining the quality and quantity of fish. Additionally it helps to reduce the number of fish dying in ponds. This allows farmer’s investments to be more secure and their work to be more efficient.


Bandung, Indonesia


eFishery LogoFounded in Indonesia, EFishery developed an automated fish feeder that collects data to make work in aquaculture more precise and effective. In addition to providing their three main products that improve the harvest and growth of fish and shrimp farming, the efishery friend program was implemented to help connect the company to farmers and agents.


Boston, USA


InnovaSea LogoInnovaSea developed fish tracking and fish farming products. Designed to work in the toughest weather conditions, InnovaSea provides the perfect solutions for aquatic fish farming and aquatic species research.


Torres Vedras, Portugal

Aquaponis IberiaAquaponis Iberia Logo

Aquaponis Iberia developed a product that incorporates aquaculture and hydroponics, a plant cultivation on water, called Aquaponis. It is made from fish waste and provides nutrients to ocean plants. This leads to water being purified and fish having a better environment to grow in a sustainable way.


Oslo, Norway

Stingray Marine SolutionsStingrey logo

The Norwegian firm Stingray Marine Solution focuses on the health of farmed fish. Developing a system that keeps track of the health of the fish and kills salmon lise helps the oceans environment and the economy in a sustainable way. Stingrays Marine Solutions offers laser delousing, salmon lice monitoring, diagnostics, biometrics and more.


Lowell, USA



KnipBio is a biotechnology company focusing on feeding solutions in aquaculture. Its product, KnipBio Meal, offers a sustainable and affordable substitution to traditional fishmeal. With the development of fishmeal made out of one cell proteins, the startup is able to protect overfished species used for fishmeal and promote the progress of aquaculture.


Sofia, Bulgaria


Nasekomo implements insects into products to deliver a sustainable solution to the feed and agriculture industry. Black Soldier flies are its source for protein, oil and fertilizer and are highly cost-efficient and scalable. Its goal is to further strengthen its research and development and become a premium player in the insect industry.


Mississauga, Canada

Forward Water Technologies

Forward Water Technologies Logo

Forward Water Technologies is a Canadian company that developed a proprietary technology that can stimulate pressure osmosis with a small energy input in the process. Its solution works by using a proprietary switchable salt that can draw pure water across a membrane and facilitates the commercial sale-up of forward osmosis.


Duluth,  USA

AdEdge Water Technologies

AdEdge Water Technologies LogoAdEdge Water Technologies, founded in the US, designed solutions and technologies for the treatment of chemical and organic contaminated water and the extraction of contaminants from groundwater and drinking water systems. Providing its Water Treatment Matrix helps the detection of the needed treatment processes.


Penrith, The United Kingdom

Typhon Treatment Systems


 Typhon Treatment Systems offers a comprehensive UV LED system for environmentally friendly water treatment. Its solution can disinfect and purify drinking water through the process of UV disinfection and advanced oxidation, a process for removing hard to treat contaminants such as pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and test and odor compounds. The reactor works in a simple, safe and efficient way.


Sustainable management and protection of marine life companies


Södertälje, Sweden


Scania logo Scania is a Swedish world-leading provider of transport solutions, including trucks and buses as well as industrial and marine engines. Aware of being part of the problem, Scania is committed to play a positive role in combating climate change, towards a sustainable transport system.

Scania is taking a holistic approach to offer sustainable solutions and pursue responsible business. As a partner in delivering on the 2030 Agenda, the company strives to align the UN SDGs and set strategic and operational targets. By translating the SDGs into sustainable business solutions, Scania is an effective contributor to the UN vision.

The company is working both on land and on sea. However, expansion of transport systems at sea can degrade marine and coastal environments, while CO2 emissions contribute to the acidification of the oceans. To comply with SDG14, Scania’s approach rests on three pillars: energy efficiency, alternative fuels and electrification, and smart and safe transport.

Scania can also rely on the entrepreneurship mindset of startups that it can connect with to reach the SDGs. In 2019, the Combient Foundrey network connected Scania with startups to “enable the co-creation of new services and solutions.”


Darmstadt, Germany

Merck Group

Merck Group

 Merck Group is a multinational science and technology company from Germany, focusing on healthcare, life science and performance materials. With being a leading force in their industry, it is important for the company to contribute to a more sustainable planet.

In 2018, the company pinpointed which sustainable development goals they could contribute to. Regarding SDG 14, Merck set itself the goal of improving its waste water management to avoid heavy metals and chemicals contaminating the ecosystem. The company also aims to target water protection measures in India, and alternatives to microplastic in cosmetics.

With great effort on implementing a more sustainable approach to their business procedures, the company focuses on three SDGs, while their actions pursuit eight more goals.


Helsinki, Finland


Kesko logoKesko is a trading company from Finland that works on car, food, construction and technology operations. Implementing the sustainable development goals by the UN is very important to the company. Kesko focuses its efforts towards responsible consumption and production, decent work and economic growth and climate action.

By applying sustainability to reach SDG 12, 8, and 13, Kesko’s work also contributes to many other SDGs. In regards to SDG 14, the corporation follows the WWF’s Seafood Guide in its selection of fish to ensure responsible consumption. The company also released its plastic policy statement to enable transparency and show the positive changes they made towards its plastic use.

Being mentioned in the global 100 most sustainable corporations in the world list for the last 16 years show the dedication and efforts Kesko takes towards sustainability.


Sustainable management and protection of marine life NGOs


Washington,  USA

Global GivingGlobalGiving

Global Giving is a USA-based non-profit organization specialized in global crowdfunding. By helping other nonprofits, the NGO is sharing tools and support to sponsor charitable projects.

With a presence in 170 countries, the NGO also works with local startups to better establish itself and be more effective, as it did in 2018 with the Kenyan startup M-Changa. More than a financial hub, Global Giving is an educational platform with even higher expectations for 2020.

Global Giving is committed to achieve each 17th UN SDGs for a more prosperous, equitable and sustainable world. While 2.6 billion people rely on seafood as their main source of protein, Global Giving wants to help reaching SDG14 whose mission is to: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development”.

Global Giving is trusting and championing projects protecting marine habitats and conserving sea life such as protecting marine environment in Thailand lead by Daniel Sitarenios, restoring corals in the Dominican Republic lead by Ruben Torres, or preserving Chile’s oceans treasures lead by Alex Munoz.


Bateau Bay,  Australia

Take 3Take 3 logo

Take 3 was founded in Bateau Bay by Roberta Dixon-Valk, Amanda Marechal and Tim Silverwood with the goal to build a global movement. Their slogan Take 3 aims to instill the importance of trash disposal by getting people to pick up three pieces of rubbish whenever they are.

The website provides an abundance of information and details the fundamental problems with plastic pollution. Take 3’s website lists interesting facts and provides simple solutions to readers. In this respect, the NGO makes a concerted effort to empower people to make sustainable lifestyle choices.

Programs brought to life by Take 3 focus on educating people on plastic solutions. By teaching even the youngest, the organization is hopeful to help form a more sustainable generation.

In their 10 years of hard work, the Take 3 movement led to 10 million pieces of rubbish removed annually, participation in 129 countries and 350,000 people educated.


Washington DC, USA

Ocean ConservancyOcean Conservancy Logo

Ocean Conservancy promotes the implementation of science based solutions to one of the biggest global concerns - ocean pollution.

The programs Ocean Conservancy established over the years cover a broad variety of topics regarding the protection of the ocean. By addressing specific problems and offering solutions, the organisation wants to raise awareness on the topic.

The organization enables readers to take action on problems relating to the protection of the arctic marine system by reducing the number of vessel traffic by signing petitions.

Ocean Conservancy’s goal is to educate and inspire people to help make a change to create a more sustainable environment .


Sustainable management and protection of marine life governments



The Tunisian Government Logo

With more than 1000 kilometers of coastline, Tunisia is concerned with aquatic life. This is why the Tunisian government attaches particular importance to Sustainable Development Goal 14.

With more than 600% of marine and aquatic plant species identified along the Tunisian coastline, more than 3400% of marine and aquatic animal species identified, and 122 tons of average annual fisheries production for the period 2011-2016, what is the Tunisian government doing to achieve SDG14?

The government is pursuing a three-pronged action plan: combating marine pollution of all types, protecting marine biodiversity, ensuring sustainable fisheries and equitable sharing of economic resources and combating overfishing.

While Tunisia's geographical location exposes it to marine pollution, many achievements of the Tunisian government reflect an awareness and a willingness to protect the ocean. Among these accomplishments are: the Tunisian coastal protection program, the reduction of pollution generated by plastic through the progressive banning of single-use plastic bags, or the promotion of traditional and sustainable fishing as in the Kerkennah Islands.


Ireland is proud to have played a leading role in the Agenda 2030 and is determined to support the SDGs and improve actions. The global challenge of implementing sustainability is something that is intertwined in their everyday work.

Looking at SDG 14, the Irish Government set up a National Marine Research & Innovation Strategy for 2017–2021 with a willingness to advocate for a healthy marine ecosystem.

The Irish Government is engaged in a process of continuous improvement of its KPIs and action plans in relation to SDG14. It is not simply a matter of doing the right thing in an international context, it is a matter of integrating these accomplishments at the national level. In order to do so, the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive has been transposed into national legislation by Ireland.



Iceland, being known for its beautiful landscapes, understands the importance of implementing sustainable behaviour into its every action to protect the environment. Creating a better understanding of their focus, the government of Iceland compiled priority targets for 2018-2020 to lay the foundation of their actions.

To support SDG 14: life under water, the government set itself the goal of massively reducing and preventing pollution of marine life. This includes marine debris and nutrient pollution. Additionally, scientific cooperations are supporting their work in fighting ocean acidification. To counteract the damage that has already been done, actions are being taken to restore and benefit the ocean to make it healthier and productive.

Focusing especially on land pollution, Iceland is acutely aware of the impact humankind has on nature.

The governments work towards achieving the sustainable development goals underlines the value they hold in the environment and set a great example.

Last month’s issue: SDG 11, sustainable cities and communities 

Last month’s issue focuses on SDG 11 and shows how corporations can support the sustainable development of cities and communities by embracing innovative technology. You can download the full report.



Oceans take up almost three-fourths of the Earth’s surface and the entire planet depends on their vitality. These large water bodies generate over 50% of the world’s oxygen and absorb about the same proportion of carbon dioxide.

According to the World Economic Forum, oceans are essential for economic well-being and food security globally, as over 100 million households’ livelihoods depend on the fisheries industry and 3 billion people rely on seafood as their primary protein. Even so, some 85% of fish and seafood stocks available to humans are already fully exploited.

In this regard, technological breakthroughs and creativity are critical to advancing SDG 14 and reducing the time and cost necessary to achieve results. Moreover, blending purpose with profit with business driven sustainability can grant companies a competitive advantage that meets the expectations of modern customers, employees, and investors.

Adopting creative technology to make operations sustainable can, among other benefits, generate new revenue, reduce costs in the long-run, open the way to untapped markets, increase supply chain resilience, and improve brand image.

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