Platform in Action: Telecom

5 minute read

Communication, and the little bits and pieces of it that we call language, has set the stage for the drama series that we call humanity to play out. Some even theorize that language and communication are responsible for thought and consciousness. Regardless of what theoretical standpoint you stick to, communication is the interconnective script that keeps this whole show going, so it’s little wonder that we humans have invested so much in the innovation of telecommunication technologies.

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New telecom technologies are constantly evolving. Smartphones are getting smarter–or dumber, depending on how you look at them. The rollout and innovation in 5G, VR and the Metaverse, IoT, and the overall need for telecommunication technologies to become increasingly efficient make global telecommunication an expansive industry and market.

This expansive nature is what makes global telecommunication so exciting, yet, what makes it difficult when looking for business solutions. Knowing where to start looking in a sea of telecom industry trends is where our platform can lend a helping hand and is also the essence of this article.

[Related Article - Best Telecommunication Startups in Europe]

What we are going to cover is how you can use the platform as a tool to search for telecom business solutions, innovative startups, new telecom technologies, etc. We'll go through our search function and AI, metrics, company profiles, and other features so you can, for one, get the most out of the platform and two, know how to structure a dive into innovation.

Laying the groundwork– start search

Where we are going to begin this journey into the platform is by setting up a search. It’s fairly straightforward in how you go about this. Once you log in, you’ll go to “Start new search,” from there, you will type in exactly what you want to look for.

One thing to note here is that the whole platform is based on AI and NLP algorithms that will translate your input into reliable results on the other end. These algorithms also allow your search queries to be flexible, so you won’t have to use any particular sentence structure to get results.

The platform will be able to translate what you wrote and understand it. However, being descriptive and precise will help bring a more complete results page to your search query. So here, the more descriptive you can be, the better because your search input helps guide the AI into shaping what the output or results will be.

If you’d like to know more about the backbone of our platform, you can download a free Keynote and interview with our CTO, Christian Lawaetz, talking about our data science team, AI, and the platform.

Ok, moving on. After you type in your search query, you can select a specific industry if you’d like, but it's not necessary. Skipping that step is perfectly fine. Once you've completed this and you've hit the search button, it's time to unpack your results.

The profile metrics

Before we jump into company profiles, let’s take a look at the two various metrics you will see when using the platform. These two metrics are Match Score and the Valuer Score. Their purpose is to make the user experience and navigation easier by showing you which companies or startups are the best fit to your criteria and overall who these companies stack up against others in our database. 

Match score

Let’s take the match score first because it's relatively the most simple to explain. This score is meant to show a percentage of how much a company's profile matches your search query. For instance, if you are looking for new telecom technologies, a company that is developing 5G and IoT will have a higher match score and hold a higher position in your list than, let's say, a company that develops more traditional telecommunications technologies. The score is dynamic, so if you were to refine that search to look into global telecommunication trends, the match score and list would then change.

Valuer score

The Valuer score, on the other hand, is a bit more complex. When you boil this score down, it is simply a metric that paints an overall picture of where a company is based on 6 criteria, which are all on a 1-100 scale.

The Valuer score criteria 

For instance, if we look at a global telecommunication company, they will most likely score higher on the success scale than a new telecom technologies startup that's still searching for investment. Looking at this score (as well as the Match Score) will hopefully help guide your decision into which company you want to completely delve into.

Company profile and enrichment

When you see a company that interests you, click that profile to find the basic summary and overview that goes along with it. From there, you have the option to request a report on this particular company. Here is where you can get in-depth data (enrichment) on the ins and outs of a startup or company. However, it requires that you upgrade your subscription or start a 14-day free trial. Enrichment includes data on:

Business Model - Data and detailed knowledge on the engine room of a company and how the company makes a profit.

Value Proposition - What a company promises to deliver. Such as products, experience, communication, services, etc.

Product portfolio - What a company is developing, the products they currently offer, and the products success in the market.

Technology overview - In-depth knowledge into what technologies a company is applying and/or developing. Discover how they apply technologies and deliver their products and services.

Market Opportunities - The data on where a company is situated in the market, its growth, and projected market potential.

Achievements & Future Plans - Company achievements, such as partnerships, awards, investments, etc. and future plans

When the report is ordered, our research team will compile all this data and deliver it in an easy-to-understand and intuitive way. So, no need to worry about wading through tons of text. The report process should take around 4-7 business days, so if you’re on the free trial, make sure you request a report as soon as you have your search down.

You can also request a technology report to get in-depth insights on a technology profile instead of it being on a company. However, you access this through our platform feature “Explore Technologies” rather than through the search feature. The enriched data and insights that you will get from these reports are meant to provide insights into any business solution– in this case, telecom business solutions– you are looking for.

However, if you are not satisfied or you can not really find what you are looking for on the platform, we also offer bespoke reports that you can order. If you're curious as to how these reports might look like and entail, in a broader sense, you can take a look at our Industry Insights reports that are free for download. And if you haven’t already seen it, we have an Industry Insights report on telecommunications that highlights telecom industry trends and technologies.

The more, the better

Along with the search, there are also other features on the platform that can help you get a more complete overview of industry, investment, technology, and innovation. For instance, if you open a company profile, you can then click on “look-alikes.” This will bring up all the companies in our database that are similar to this one particular company. And, if you already have a successful telecommunication startup in mind, you can select the look-alikes feature from the get-go.

This feature can be incredibly useful if you are looking to invest or collaborate with a startup. For instance, if you use our search and you find a company that you’re interested in, you can use this feature to see what else is out there. It could be that you uncover a startup that you didn’t even know existed. Your diamond in the rough, as the saying goes. Or, on the flip side of this scenario, maybe it just cements in your primary interest in the company you discovered in the first place.

Telecom in action round-up

As we constantly innovate new ways of communicating with each other, be it face-to-face, over long distances, or in virtual reality– Metaverse, global telecommunication, and telecom innovation will follow suit. Staying a step ahead of this disruption is the goldilocks zone for business opportunities.

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Our platform is a tool to help guide you into that sweet spot regardless of what solution or inquiry you’re after. This article and video are simply a user manual to help get you off to a good start. You should be able to take the framework provided here and translate that from telecommunications into any inquiry you might have about other solutions, technologies, industries, etc. Explore and incorporate other features on the platform as well, such as “Explore Technologies” and “Explore Industries” features to help round out your overall experience.

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