Discovering Innovation Areas Within PropTech - Front Cover Discovering Innovation Areas Within PropTech. - Look Inside 01 Discovering Innovation Areas Within PropTech - Look Inside 02 Discovering Innovation Areas Within PropTech - Look Inside 03 Discovering Innovation Areas Within PropTech - Look Inside 04 Discovering Innovation Areas Within PropTech - Back Cover

Discovering Innovation Areas Within PropTech

This analysis focuses on emerging trends in international property technology. It provides an informed overview of the innovative areas within the industry, which enables a more insightful discussion for corporates about investment opportunities.

Executive summary
Three main sub-areas of focus
Mapping innovation hotspots within property/building technologies
About Network Development Hub and

Discovering Innovation Areas Within PropTech


Valuer has built a research report with Network Development Hub to provide information on what’s going on in the property technology industry. Gain a clearer understanding of which companies and technologies are leading in the field and worth investing in.

The report focuses on the three main sub-areas, such as smart buildings, remote building management, and smart energy management. Innovating in these areas will enable corporations to grow their business and accelerate in the industry, as well as provide insights necessary for any investment endeavor.

The ability to identify future-oriented technologies is challenging, but with our report, businesses can now easily find innovative solutions to access new market shares within the property technology industry.

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